Terms & Conditions

The electronic portal of the RDIA, which is referred to here as “The RDIA portal” or “The Portal” is available for your personal use, and your access and use of it is subject to these terms and conditions of use, and to the regulations in force in the Kingdom. Your access and entry to the portal is an unconditional consent of the terms and conditions of use, whether you are a registered user or not, and this consent is effective as of the date of your first use of this portal.

Any amendment to these terms and conditions shall become effective immediately upon its announcement, unless indicated otherwise, and your continued use of this portal after the announcement of any amendment means your full acceptance of that amendment.


Restriction on Use

By using the RDIA portal, you agree to refrain from the following:

  • Uploading or downloading files that contain software, materials, data or other information that you do not own or do not have a license for.
  • Using this portal in any way to send any business or unwanted e-mail or any misuse of this kind to the RDIA portal.
  • Uploading files on this portal that contain viruses, corrupted data or any malicious software, or doing anything that might affect the integrity, reliability or continued availability of information on the portal.
  • Publishing, advertising, distributing or circulating materials or information containing defamation, violation of laws, pornographic or obscene materials, violation of Islamic teachings or public morals, or any illegal materials or information through the RDIA portal.
  • Participating through the RDIA portal in informal activities in the Kingdom.
  • Announcing – on the RDIA portal – about any product or service that makes the RDIA in violation of any system applied in any field.
  • Using any means, program or procedure to interfere or attempt to interfere in the proper operation of the RDIA portal.
  • Taking any action that imposes an unreasonable, large, or inappropriate load on the infrastructure of the RDIA portal.
  • All that is considered a violation of the Anti-Cybercrime Law or any other related law in the Kingdom.


Using links to the RDIA portal

  • No links related to the Portal may be created or posted on other sites, except for the Portal’s actual links posted on sites whose objectives and directions do not conflict with the directions, objectives and policies of the RDIA portal.
  • It is prohibited to create any electronic links related to the portal or display any of them in a context or to place its links on any site, except for placing links for the portal on sites that do not conflict with its objectives and general orientation with the objectives, policies and frameworks of the RDIA portal.
  • The RDIA is not in any way considered participating or associated in any way with any signs, logos, commercial or service symbols or any other means used or appearing on the websites linked to this portal or any of its contents unless approved by the relevant departments there.
  • The RDIA reserves all its rights to stop and block any link in any way from any unauthorized site or that contains inappropriate, obscene, infringing, vulgar, pornographic, indecent, unacceptable or illegal topics, names, materials or information that breach any law or violate any public or private rights.
  • The RDIA does not bear any responsibility for the contents available in any other website that is accessed through this portal or accessed from this portal.
  • The communication links for other portals and websites are provided for the purpose of convenience for the visitor, and the RDIA is not responsible for any contents or credibility of the portals and sites that you link to and have not approved their contents. Therefore, using any of these links to access sites or portals not approved by the RDIA is on the user’s responsibility.
  • The RDIA does not guarantee that electronic links linked to other websites will work.



  • The Research Development and Innovation Authority IT Department in the Kingdom technically supervises this portal, and all the portal’s content, including programs and information, is owned by RDIA, and is fully protected in accordance with Saudi Copyright, Trademark and other property rights regulations.
  • Unless stated otherwise, the portal’s contents and materials may not be sold, licensed, rented, modified, copied, reproduced, reprinted, uploaded, advertised, transmitted, distributed, publicly displayed, edited, and you may not create derivative works for the public or for commercial purposes without obtaining the prior written approval of the RDIA portal management, except for scientific and research purposes and spreading awareness free of charge, it is permissible to quote provided referral to the portal.
  • Any modification of any of the portal’s contents is strictly prohibited.
  • Graphics and images in this portal are protected by copyright, and may not be reproduced or exploited in any way, without the prior written consent of the portal management.


Termination of Use

The RDIA may, at its absolute discretion, terminate, restrict or suspend the user’s right to access and use the portal without notice and for any reason whatsoever, whether that reason is operational such as maintaining the portal or adding new features there to, or in cases of violation of the Terms of Use or any other conduct that the RDIA deems, at its sole discretion, illegal or harmful to others. and in the event of termination, the user will not be authorized to access this portal.


Judicial Reference

  • The user shall be subject to the laws in force in KSA. The Saudi Courts shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide upon any claims arising from this policy.
  • The user shall be subject to the Anti-Cyber Crime Law in the event of committing any breach described in that Law.
  • The user shall be legally accountable in case he misuses the Portal.


Limitation of Liability

The electronic services provided by the RDIA portal regarding the various government departments and agencies are provided only to facilitate manual procedures, and thus the user acknowledges his full knowledge that communication via the Internet may be subject to interference or objection by others, and that the portal does not replace the information available through the official authorities, and that requests and administrative procedures can be taken directly before the competent authorities.

Accordingly, the user remains responsible of using this portal, and the RDIA is not in any way responsible for any losses or damages of any kind that may be incurred by the user, or his reliance on any statement, opinion or advertisement in the portal, or resulting from any delay in operation, communication failure, Internet access problems, equipment or software malfunctions, or the behavior or ideas of any person entering this portal, and the use hereby acknowledges and agrees that his exclusive and only means to treat any damage or loss that may occur as a result of his entry or use of this portal is to refrain from using it or entering it or not continuing to do so.


Virus Protection

Research Development and Innovation Authority makes all efforts to examine and test the contents of the portal, and the user is obligated to run anti-virus programs in all the materials downloaded from the portal, and the Research Development and Innovation Authority shall not be responsible for any losses, interruptions or damages to the user’s data and devices, when using the portal, or materials contained therein.

Users shall notify the RDIA of any harmful practices or suspected vulnerabilities that may be affect the RDIA portal via the e-mail: communication@rdia.gov.sa. Otherwise, they will be subject to legal accountability 

Waiver of Claims

The RDIA portal, services, information, materials and jobs available therein, or that can be accessed through the portal, are provided to the user “as is” and “as available” without any acknowledgment, promises or guarantees of any kind and the RDIA cannot guarantee or assume responsibility for any interruptions, errors or infringements that may arise from the use of this portal or its contents or any site linked to it, whether with or without its knowledge.

Users does not have the right to own any communications or information that they may send through this portal or the right to guarantee its confidentiality, and any use or interactive use contained in this portal does not guarantee the user any rights, licenses or any privileges of any kind.



The user acknowledges not to take any measures against the RDIA, its employees, or those responsible for managing, maintaining, updating or providing the portal, and exempting it from all obligations, responsibilities, and compensations arising from using the portal, whether it is the user’s breach of the terms and conditions of use, or any of the applicable regulations, whether in the Kingdom or their place of residence, or otherwise.


Comments and E-participation Criteria:

The user shall indemnify and hold harmless the Research Development and Innovation Authority, its employees and those in charge of managing, maintaining, updating and evaluating the portal, against any claims, liabilities and damages arising or that may arise from or because of the use of the Portal.

All comments added in e-participation channels are subject to a filtering process in order to ensure that the commenter complies with the commenting criteria and guidelines, and the management has the right not to publish any comments it deems inappropriate for publication, noting that the criteria for publishing comments include the following:

  • The commenter must abide by public morals, the Kingdom’s regulations and Islamic teachings, and avoid using any inappropriate or obscene language.
  • The comment should be focused on the topic under discussion and not deviate from it in any way.
  • Avoid falling into any personal criticism that does not aim to enrich the idea presented.
  • Staying away from sectarian strife and avoiding falling into any racist topics or sectarian differences.
  • Being absolutely certain when writing any Qur’anic texts or religious opinions, and it is preferable not to delve into them except by specialists.
  • Avoiding writing any personal information, including any contact information.